计算机科学课堂揭秘,卓越教育培养未来顶尖技术人才 LEHF Computer Science in Focus 今日聚焦

发布时间:2023-04-25 09:20:15




Mr Adam Stenning



Stenning 先生是佛山霍利斯的学术主任和计算机科学创始主任。自佛山霍利斯成立之初,Stenning 先生就一直在学校任教。他是一位经验丰富的教师,在计算机科学和技术领域具有丰富的经验。在加入佛山霍利斯之前,他曾在迪拜和北伦敦担任科技学科主管长达5年。Stenning 先生主修计算机和网络技术,持有一等荣誉学士学位,并拥有超过10年的教学经验。在佛山霍利斯,他致力于推广机器人技术,并希望帮助学生们在不久的将来的机器人比赛中获胜。

1. 请您分享一下佛山霍利斯计算机科学部门迄今为止取得的一些成就。

在计算机科学部门中,我在高年级组引入了 VEX 机器人项目,这个蓬勃发展的项目在全球范围内得到广泛认可。VEX 机器人俱乐部可以提高学生的分析、解决问题和团队合作能力。另外,佛山霍利斯首届 IGCSE 的全体学生在计算机学科考试中均取得 A*-B 成绩的好成绩!

2. 请问您如何让计算机科学在课堂内外都变得有趣?


3. 请问您如何帮助那些在入读佛山霍利斯之前没有接触过计算机科学的学生,并帮助他们顺利开展计算机科学学习呢?








在这个阶段,学生们学习 IGCSE 计算机科学,更深入地了解计算机系统、软件开发、算法和编程语言。他们还会学习数据表示、计算机体系结构和编程范式。



A Level(12-13年级)

在这个阶段,学生们将学习 A Level 计算机科学,深入探索算法、数据结构、数据库和编程等方面的知识。他们还会学习计算机科学的理论基础,如形式化方法和复杂性理论。




在机器人俱乐部中,我们引入并开展了 VEX 机器人项目,让学生们有机会在机器人领域进行实践。其中的任务之一就是机器拾取代币,这能够帮助学生们在工程原理和机械设计方面打下坚实的基础。学生们完成了底盘的制作,并采用了履带技术,表明了他们对机动性和灵活性不断有更深入的理解。履带能够带来额外的机动性,让机器人在竞技场内移动的时候提升优势,有助于成功完成拾物任务。总而言之,VEX 机器人项目为学生提供了一个绝佳的机会,带领他们深入探索令人兴奋的机器人世界,并在工程和问题解决方面获得实用技能。

英国课程在全球范围内获得广泛认可,因此 A Level 计算机科学的考试文凭能够帮助学生在申请英国或其他国家大学课程时提供丰富的选项。世界各地的许多大学都开设计算机科学专业课程。由于技术在我们社会中的重要性日益增加,因此这些课程的需求量很高,竞争也相当激烈。通过在大学学习计算机科学,学生们日后可以在软件开发、网络安全、数据分析等广泛领域开展职业生涯。


LEH International School Foshan is a British international school that prides itself on offering a well-rounded education to its students. One of the core subjects taught at the school is Computer Science, which is an integrated part of our British Curriculum.

Computer Science is a crucial subject in today"s world as technology is rapidly advancing and becoming a crucial part of our daily lives. A strong foundation in Computer Science equips students with the skills necessary to understand and use technology in a responsible and effective manner. Furthermore, studying Computer Science helps students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are valuable assets in any field they choose to pursue.

Mr Adam Stenning

Head of

Computer Science

Mr Stenning is the Director of Studies and founding Head of Computer Science at LEH Foshan. Mr Stenning has been here from the very beginning of LEHF’s creation. He is a knowledgeable and experienced educator with a focus on computer science and technology. Prior to this role, he had roles as the Technology faculty lead for over 5 years, both internationally in Dubai and locally in North London. Mr Stenning holds a First-class Hons Bachelor of Science degree in Computer and Network Technology and has over 10 years of teaching experience. At LEH Foshan, he is looking to promote robotics and aims to guide the school to win competitions in the near future.

1. Could you share some of the achievements of the CS department at LEHF so far?

Within the Computer Science department, I have introduced VEX robotics at senior level, this is an exciting and thriving club which is recognised globally. The VEX robotics club improves the students" analytical, problem solving and teamwork skills. The department scored 100% A*-B in the first IGCSE examinations of the school.

2. What do you do to make learning CS enjoyable in and out of the classroom?

In order to make CS enjoyable both inside and outside the classroom I relate CS to real life and show students the value of the subject. Computer Science is a difficult subject, but everything that is of value in life is hard. We mix a blend of theory and creativity into the curriculum to allow students to grow in all areas of CS. Sometimes students prefer one particular area of study above another area. But that’s ok, because there’s often a real-world job in every topic that we do! Take our recent topic of Sound Editing in year 8. Students learn the theory of how computers store an analogue sound in digital form on the computer and then go on to learn about foley artists and develop their own 30 second radio advert. It’s designed to give students a solid foundation whilst allowing them to express themselves creatively and see real world jobs.

3. In what ways would you assist students without prior experience in Computer Science before enrolling in LEH Foshan to access the curriculum?

We understand that our international students are from various educational backgrounds and may not have Computer Science learning experience when they join LEH Foshan. I hold additional intervention classes for older students that have not had the required coding experience. This gives them the confidence to improve in a space where their needs can be better addressed. Younger students are given differentiated activities to build their confidence and access the curriculum.

At LEH Foshan, students are taught the basics of computer systems, networks, and security starting from Prep School. They also learn about computer programming, algorithm design, and software development as they progress.

Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9)

Students build on their knowledge from Key Stage 2 (Prep School) and learn about more advanced computer systems, such as networks and databases. They also study algorithms in more depth and learn how to write programs in more complex programming languages.

Latest Update

Year 8 students have completed a sound project and are now moving on to study standard searching and sorting algorithms in computer science. This is an important step in their education as these algorithms form the basis of many advanced topics in computer science, and are used in real-world problems. The study of searching and sorting algorithms will help students develop problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities, and provide a clear example of algorithm design and analysis. Additionally, knowledge of searching and sorting algorithms is a highly valued skill in the technology industry and will prepare the students for future careers in computer science and related fields. Overall, this study is an essential part of the students" computer science education.

Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11)

In this stage, students study IGCSE Computer Science and learn about computer systems, software development, algorithms, and programming languages in greater depth. They also learn about data representation, computer architecture, and programming paradigms.

Latest Update

The Year 11 students are embarking on an exciting project to create a smile recognition artificial intelligence in their lessons. This project will provide them with a valuable opportunity to develop their understanding of artificial intelligence and fundamental coding concepts. The final product, which will be displayed on the wall outside the classroom once completed, will showcase the students" growing knowledge and skills in this field. The experience of creating a real-world application will provide them with a hands-on understanding of the potential of artificial intelligence and its impact on our daily lives. Overall, this project will be a valuable and enriching experience for the Year 11 students and will likely inspire them to pursue further studies and careers in the field of artificial intelligence.

A Level (Years 12-13)

At this stage, students study A Level Computer Science and cover topics such as algorithms, data structures, databases, and programming in greater detail. They also learn about the theoretical foundations of computer science, such as formal methods and complexity theory.

Latest Update

The Year 12 students have been engaged in a thought-provoking and relevant area of study, exploring the ethical considerations of AI on society and the economy. With the recent surge of news about the advancements of AI and its impact on various industries, this topic is particularly timely and relevant. By studying the ethical considerations of AI, the students are gaining a deeper understanding of the potential consequences of this technology and the importance of responsible implementation. This knowledge will help prepare them for the challenges and opportunities that AI presents in their future careers and in society as a whole. Overall, the Year 12 students" study of the ethical considerations of AI is commendable and will provide them with a valuable perspective on this important issue.

Our Robotics Club provides students with a unique opportunity to explore the world of robotics and engineering. The goal is to foster creativity and innovation in a fun and engaging environment.

The VEX Robotics programme in the Robotics Club is offering students a valuable, hands-on experience in the field of robotics. The emphasis on mechanically picking up tokens provides a solid introduction to engineering principles and mechanical design. The students" completion of the chassis, particularly with the implementation of tank treads, showcases their developing understanding of mobility and manoeuvrability. The additional mobility from the tank treads will likely prove to be a significant advantage in terms of movement within the arena, and will play a crucial role in their success. Overall, the VEX Robotics programme is a fantastic chance for students to delve into the exciting world of robotics and acquire practical skills in engineering and problem-solving.

As the British Curriculum is well-regarded globally, an A Level qualification in Computer Science opens up many opportunities for students for higher education, both in the UK and abroad. Many universities around the world offer courses in Computer Science, and these courses are in high demand due to the increasing importance of technology in our society. Studying Computer Science at a university level opens up a wide range of career opportunities, including software development, cybersecurity, data analysis, and many others.

The fundamental concepts and skills students learn from our Computer Science programme are not only useful for those who wish to pursue higher education in technology but also for those who wish to pursue other areas, such as finance or medicine, as technology is becoming increasingly integrated into these industries

